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Addresses please.

From: Garrick Twinney <>
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 1994 13:24:16 GMT
Subject: Addresses please.
Organization: University of Plymouth
Priority: normal

Hi all,
     Sorry for the none Kate posting but could someone please tell me 
how I can subscribe to Pink Floyd and Enya mailing lists.  I am sure 
that someone mentioned in passing the Pink Floyd digest a while ago 
but I can't seem to find the address.  I don't even know if an Enya 
digest exists but if it does I would be very grateful for the information.
     Many thanks for your time.  You will now be returned to Kate stuff...

'We all share the same air' - Kate Bush

from Garrick
E-mail :
A.X25  : G7LFW@GB7PAB.#44.GBR.EU