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Date: Fri, 18 Nov 1994 08:57:12 +0001 (EST)
Subject: kudos
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

This is my first week of reading Love Hounds, and I must express my 
delight at the discussions so far.
The song interpretations and source finding going on is fascinating and 
exactly what I wanted in a group like this. (For the sake of context, I 
will mention that I was reading Really Deep Thoughts for a while and 
ended up feeling like I was a bad Tori fan, because all they did was talk 
about all these rare recordings that you just HAD to get, even at the 
expense of not paying for tuition anymore.) Things seem a lot more sane here.

Since I'm writing, I would also like to share something that has been 
bugging me. My favorite album is the NINTH WAVE. For a long time I 
puzzled over the whisper at the end of Hello Earth. Years later when I 
finally had the sense to learn German, I understood that she says 
"Tiefer, tiefer, irgendwo in der Tiefe, gibt es ein Licht," (deeper, 
deeper, somewhere in the deep, there is a light.) That was a real relief, 
since it puts the entire work into a new, enlightening perspective, BUT, 
even after years of searching through German poetry and prose, I am 
unable to find a literary reference to this line. Is there anyone else 
who is (has been) on the same quest, but with luck? Please share if you 
can help.

Brock University