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love-hounds shirt web page

From: twisted soul <>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 1994 18:17:05 -0500
Subject: love-hounds shirt web page

phellow philocanes,

i've just brushed the debris off a newly constructed web page that has 
stev0's scans of the love-hounds t-shirt as well as details on how to
order them. if this appeals to you, please point your favorite web
browser at 

unfortunately, i am a lowlife scum who hasn't upgraded to a properly
equipped pc and a real network connection (translation: i'm using a 
piece-of-shit pc, dialing in and can't do funky graphics). so, i have
not been able to confirm with mine own eyes that the scans are 
displayed properly when you look at 'em. if anyone has any problems,
please drop me a line and let me know. thanks.
