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Can you believe that? (Sarah)

From: (Reto Koradi)
Date: 11 Nov 1994 11:43:00 -0600
Subject: Can you believe that? (Sarah)
Organization: UTexas Mail-to-News Gateway

Imagine my joy when some nice person on the net (in this group?)
posted the concert schedule for Sarah McLachlan, and I saw that
she will play in Zurich on Dec 7. I've been eagerly looking at
the concert announcements in the newspaper since then. Yesterday
I saw it, but guess what:

Sarah will only be supporting act, for the Crash Test Dummies!!

I don't have anything against the Crash Test Dummies, I even like
the few songs I heard. But they have their priorities set wrong,
me thinks!

Now I got that off my heart, maybe somebody can give me some
advice. Did anybody see this combination? Will Sarah only play
the usual 30 minutes for an opening act? Would it be worth
going anyway?

If you're nice and helpful, I'll tell you all about the latest
and most exciting female artist that I "discovered"! :)


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*    / */ \   * CH-8117 Faellanden         * but they don't work no more. *
*    \ /\ /   *                            * I loved you once,            *
* SPECTROSPIN * Reto Koradi                * don't love you anymore.      *
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