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From: Peter Byrne Manchester <>
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 18:45:13 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Tree of Fruitopia
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Andrew Marvick ( checked in Friday with an early compilation of the Fruitopia ads, prefacing his list: > Marcel Rijs asks whether anyone would like to send him a PAL copy of all > the Fruitopia ads. As IED has now had several other requests for same > (from Europe-based Love-Hounds), and is sure there are many U.S. fans who > would be interested, he suggests that a Love-Hounds Collection Volume 2 > might well bein order sooner rather than later (?). Thoughts on the > subject, anyone? I have to thank Chris Williams for covering for me a couple of times this past month, pointing out that I am more or less overwhelmed with a new layer of responsibilities this semester, and I don't see it getting any better before January. While I have been able to lurk the newsgroup, it pains me not to have had time to sit down to ponder any Kate Rate thoughts that might come to me, not to mention to pick up on the very many interesting questions and comments that have been coming up of late, with so many new voices heard among us. Ann Cahill's probing of "Love and Anger" from the point of view of Continental or essentialist feminism came closest to getting me out of my cave, because while it is completely unlikely that Kate has read any philosophical feminism, the issue of `voice' could very possibly have some substantive role in that lyric anyway: remember that Kate herself said that this was one song that she didn't really understand herself--she wasn't really sure what it was about. But sadly, it is all too much for me at this point even to dream about taking any part in a tapetree before New Year. And from observations contributed since Andy's query, it appears that it may be too soon now even from the point of view of collecting the material. Tapetrees can perfectly well function without me (though I suppose I could *always* be a node) and so I don't want to discourage anyone. But I have to sit it out for the time being. Meantime: everybody keep fresh blank tape in their machines when watching TV. Andy should definitely be our clearing house for assembling good clean copies of them all. ............................................................................ Peter Manchester "Makin' love for the peaches!"