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Katemas in Kolumbus

From: (Richard Caldwell x2206)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 17:11:41 GMT
Subject: Katemas in Kolumbus
Content-Type: text
Organization: AT&T Network Systems
Sender: (Netnews Administration)

Missy and I will be having our usual Katemas in Kolumbus on Saturday
July 30th, 1994.  Maybe since we've been so quiet on Gaffa lately we 
should point out that we're talking about Columbus, Ohio. 

Katemas '94 will be a relatively quiet little affair but *you* are 
welcome to come.  Plan to arrive sometime after 4PM.  The ritual 
grilling of animal flesh in Kate's honor will commense sometime 
soon thereafter.  Bring your own stuff to throw on the grill and 
alcoholic beverages if you want them.

Kate music and Kate video will be the order of the day.  Drop us a
line if you're coming.  We can provide a map if you need one.  The
address is:

2785 Stavely Ct. 
Columbus, Ohio

					N. Richard Caldwell
					AT&T Network Systems