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We saw TLTCTC last night! :-)

Date: Thu, 02 Jun 1994 18:08:15 +1000
Subject: We saw TLTCTC last night! :-)
To: Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET,
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Hi all!

    Well we finally got to see the TLTCTC in NSW last night. It was such a
relief to see it after trying so hard for so long to get it here. I spent last
weekend getting ready. IO got my sister to help me whip up a new KT T-Shirt
(all black with a big with logo on the front) and I also bought some cheap
white tennis shoes and bright red fabric paint to attack them with. By the time
Wednesday rolled around I was looking very much the part of the 'Fucking KaTe
Bush Fanatic' (tm).

    EMI was ready, they had invited a heap in 'industry' people along. I had
got a list of about 90 KaTe fans in NSW lined up to come. I was off to Sydney
by 2:00pm with a mate of mine just to make sure I'd be there in plenty of time
for the opening at 6:00pm. You know it's really funny just how much bright
shinny red shoes stick out when you walk around! :-) I did a little music
shopping before I got to the theater and picked up Tori's 'Past the Mission' CD
singles Part 1 & 2 and the new KaTe 'Eat The Music' CD Single with ETM, ETM
(extended), You Want Alchemy and Shoedance. It's got one of those
Scratch-and-Sniff CD covers! :-) I'm not sure whether it's Australian or an
import. Anybody know?

    Anyway, I got to the theater by 5:30pm and it didn't take long for all the
KaTe fans to start to arrive. It was great to get to talk to a heap of fellow
KaTe fans here in Oz!! :-) By 6:00pm we had a fair sized crowd milling around
outside but no sign of anybody from EMI. The chap in charge of the theater let
us all in and then went to load up the film which had only just arrived (he
said it was a great print). I mingled and tried to talk to as many other people
there as I could. It turned out that the were a fair few reps from various
music mags and columns there as well but NO EMI :-/

    I was sort of elected as being in charge so I got everyone in and seated
whilst we waited for *anybody* from EMI to turn up. They all got there enmass
at about 6:30pm. We all settled back for the film. They forgot to turn the
sound on for the first 15 seconds and then it wasn't turned up to normal volume
till after RbG. :-/ Having got through all that it was on with the film! I wont
go into any kind of description since it has been described here enough already
except to say that we were all totally blown away! We spent most of the time in
rapt silence except for the bit where *everybody* got dizzy in ETM (I looked
around at that point and noted that almost everyone was moving in time with
KaTe. :-) I also had to crack up at the point just after KaTe first sings The
Red Shoes and is 'sitting' on the ground with her legs going crazy. <he he> :-)

    I had a great time, thoroughly enjoyed the film and was ready to see it all
again straight away. In fact many people around the theater shouted 'Again!'
after it had finished but we had to get out of there since they had another
crowd of people ready to come in and watch a few old Twilight Zone episodes.

    I talked to some of the EMI people after the show to see if the showing of
the film around the rest of Australia was still on or not. They said no!! 8-(
But then when I asked them what if I got the theater organized they said they'd
be happy to give me the film. So it looks like I'm going to need a somebody
from each state to help organize a theater so we can get this thing shown
around. At the moment I have Nick Langmaid in Victoria and Fre|>eric in
Queensland. Any other takers? SA? WA? Tas? Another good thing was they said it
would be going across the Tasman to New Zealand so you Kiwis take heart, it'll
be there!

    Well that's about it from me for now. I hope I haven't bored you all too
much with this write up but I'm still buzzing from *finally* getting to see the
film. YAH! :-) See you all later.

               :  Graham Dombkins
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      "Hello Earth!!                    "I'm chasing nuns
       hello Earth..." - KT              out in the yard..." - TA