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Date: Thu, 20 Jan 94 15:55:41 EST
Subject: touring?
To: (Daniel J. Langrill)
Cc: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
Sender: Vickie Mapes <>

Daniel Langrill writes:

> I haven't seen ANY traffic on for a while now, so 
> I'm trying to determine if I still am able to get it...

Hi, the newsgroup is down, but the mailing list is working fine.

> When are:
> Sarah McLachlan
> Tori Amos

I can't help you, sorry. Some dates for each have been posted, but
since none were in Chicago, I didn't pay attention or keep them.
Hopefully someone else will send them to you. Where are you?

> Kate ????

Bush :-)

> touring?

Kate? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! 

> Also, does Happy Rhodes ever tour?

Not yet. She played Phildelphia twice and Albany once in 1992, but didn't
play any dates after the release of "Equipoise" in 1993. She wants to 
tour after her next album comes out (probably in the summer) but it all
depends on money. Unlike Kate, who could tour but doesn't want to, or
Sarah and Tori, who are touring with the help of record companies, Happy
*loves* playing live dates and *wants* to tour, but has to pay for 
everything herself, so she can't. :-(


Vickie Mapes          "Fight for your right   "My ears are lucky to hear   to have a monster" TA   these glorious songs" HR
"Imagination sets in, then    |_  _ | _   The Happy Rhodes mailing list
  all the voices begin" KB    |__|_ ||_|