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From: (Simon Booth)
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 94 01:05:39 CST
Subject: A most unusual Kate video seen over the holidays.....
To: Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET
Hello everyone- my first posting here! :-) Over the Christmas holiday, a few days before Christmas, I was at a party, and someone was giving a sneak preview of what is supposed to be an upcoming (but as yet unaired) public access cable TV show. The show is called 'Projekt: X-Treme' (yes, that's how it was spelled) One episode shown was a series of music videos, and among them was Big Sky, but not the version I remembered from several years ago. For one thing, the audio seemed out of synch with the opening sequence of the video, and during the part where she's looking up with binoculars, she points them upward, a jet fighter appears swooping in low. From that point on, the video was a montage of aircraft war footage, mostly Gulf War bombing footage, leading up to a scene of a B-52 squadron's scramble takeoff, and ending with shots of nuclear missiles launching, all synchronized with the song 'Big Sky'. The running time must have been at least 6 minutes, alot longer than the original. Obviously a parody of some sort. I know this can't be an official video, but is it a bootleg? I mean, has anyone else seen this? One other video on the tape seemed to be a similar parody: Enya's 'Sail Away' sychronized with a montage of submarine war footage. If it's not a bootleg in circulation, then it's something the producer himself put together. I didn't get a chance to ask about it, but if it is something he made himself, it would have been relatively easy to do. oh well. I'm a relative newcomer to Bush's music (besides my memory of Big Sky from several years ago :-) ) and I would like some suggestions on what would be a good CD to start with. And have there been any video releases? - real ones, not like the one I saw at that Christmas party! :-) enough rambling for now :-) Simon