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We'll have to try to snag another copy, we've just about worn ours out!

The fact that these are being mailed out makes the gyrations they
went through with the Herald reporter seem a bit silly.   Why not
give her a copy of the album if you're going to want to talk about
nothing but the album?

> IMHO the best 
> tracks are TRS (like playing this one @ full blast & bop around the
> rm), 

I like it but I wouldn't rate it the best by a long shot.  

> and Top of the City.  

Growing on me rapidly, very sad and probably very personal. 

I wonder if this song is refering to a specific place.

"Take me up to the top of the city
 And put me up on the angel's shoulders"

This would be the highest point in some city, evidently with angel
sculptures of some kind.  "Put me up on the angel's shoulders" could
just be a metaphor but I think it's supposed to be literal as well.
She'd like to get up to the highest point in the city on this sculpture, 
but she would also like to be up on the angel's shoulders to see what her 
loved one is up to now ("she's no good for you, baby").

> it's a different release (again).  Oh, one of the lines 
> in TRS is.. "And this curve... it's your smile... and this cross...
> it's your heart... and this line... it's your path".  

Punctuated with some strange vocal noises.  This album has lots of
those interesting background vocals that you have to spend some 
time decoding.  

My favorite so far is "You're The One," another sad one.  If this
song is as personal as it seems, it's difficult to imagine Kate actually
working with Del on the song.

"It's alright I'll come round when you're not in
 And I'll pick up all my things"

The song opens with this dramatic phrase and goes on to build an almost
desperate sense of loss before fading out.  I mentioned before that
I don't care for the fade out but fade-outs always seemed to me to 
indicate to me that the feelings or issues in a song remain unresolved 
and that may be appropriate for this song.  Still, I think the song fades
out a bit too early.

Another favorite is "Lily" the song that may be Kate's latest "how
do I protect my space" song.   This time, Lilly advices to protect
yourself with fire and a formidable collection of guardian angels.
I mentioned a spoken part at the beginning.  Here it is, most of it
is pretty clear.  I'm uncertain of the last word...

    Oh thou, who giveth sustenance to the universe
    from whom all things proceed
    to whom all things return
    unveil to us the face of the true spiritual son
    hidden by a disc of golden light
    that we may know the trueth
    and do our whole duty 
    as we journey to thy sacred f(ield?)

I can't wait to hear what you folks think of "Constellation of the
Heart."  Missy pointed out that this track sounds more than a little
like something from Tori Amos' "Y Kant Tori Read."  Very dance poppy
but still lots of fun.  There is a long part at the end where Kate
has a dialog with her chorus.  Kate's part is on the right...

Think you'd better wake up, captain, 
there's something happening up ahead. 
We've never seen anything like it.  
We've never seen anything like it before. 

					I want a full report
That's it.

					What do you mean, that's it?

Thats all you get, you'd better do something 
about it.

					What am I spoosed to do about it?

We don't know, but you can't run away from 
it. Maybe you'd better face it.

					I can't do that

Come on face it.


So far, my opinion of TRS remains pretty positive.   It's really a
shame that Kate seems to have ruled out touring for this album.  This
album would lend itself more to live performance than anything since
_Never For Ever_.   I'd be happy just to see a live performance of
any kind.  When was the last time Kate actually sang in public (aside
from the last convention)?

"Don't drive too slowly."         Richard Caldwell
                                  The Big Sky BBS (+1 614 864 1198)