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From: Mike Mendelson <MJM@ZYLAB.MHS.CompuServe.COM>
Date: 01 Sep 93 15:30:25 EDT
Subject: The Master Spake
To: <Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET>
|>Path of Thorns EP (Radio version, album version, shelter - violin |>mix). $20 |> |>Drawn To The Rhythm EP (Album version, Gloomy Sunday (live), DTTR |>(acoustic)). $20 | |hmm...I bought Steaming in Buffalo for around 6 dollars and have seen |the others around in the major record chains here for around the same |price. I similarly bought Path of Thorns for less than half of this asking price. | If Tori listened to Kate, she was influenced by her. I think every |musician is always influenced in one way or another by any music they hear. |It could be "avoid that music at all cost" or "gosh, I really like that |stuff." Either way, it will have an effect, miniscule or major. I like to think of this the way Brian Eno described it in the interview he gave for the From Brussels With Love CD (which I think is a Crepuscule sampler and which I highly recommend to all love-hounds if you can find it buy it). To roughly paraphrase, he says 95% of anything that someone writes musically is stuff that has already been done, i.e. there is never very much *NEW* in any musical creation. What is *interesting* is what the author of the composition chooses to include and to leave out. -mjm