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In context

From: Suspended In Duct Tape <>
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1993 00:04:20 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: In context
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT


I've been giving "Moments of Pleasure" some pretty good listens lately, and
I have come to the conclusion that this is a song that needs to be heard in
context before I can make any sort of a judgement on it either way.  On its
own it has glaring weaknesses, which I don't want to go into because it's hot
enough in my house as it is, but I imagine that hearing it in the context of
an entire album, and possibly even within the context of a film will make it
seem much, much better to my ears.

To me, most songs from Broadway musicals sound cheezy, corny and silly when
by themselves, but when heard and seen in the context of 
a stage show, they make perfect sense and most of the time serve to enhance
the enjoyment of the show.  Similarly, those of my friends who have heard
"Waking The Witch" alone, without knowing it in its place in The Ninth Wave
have had very unfavorable reactions to it, but once they heard it in its
proper place realized its power and its purpose as a musical entity.  I am
hoping the same can be said of "Moments of Pleasure", and that it is indeed
included in the rumored film- this is a song that needs visuals, I think, and
it definitely needs a context in which it can happily live and be properly

All in my opinion, which I know a few around here will consider void, but
I just don't care...
