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Anne Clark

From: "S.Ward-Smith" <>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 93 13:55:22 GMT
Subject: Anne Clark
Organization: Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham

Anyone got an Anne Clark discography? I've just got into a few of her
albums. I've got "Unstill life" and "No ordinary life" and am trying to track
down the new one "The law is an anagram of wealth".
What other ones have I yet to find? Are they as good?

An aside- Anyone else got The Cranberries, "Everyone else is doing it, 
why can't we"? Dolores O'Riordan's voice is stunning, could well be one of the
best new female vocalists in a long time.
For those that have never heard of them, they are a folk rock band from Ireland


* Steve Ward-Smith          * "She takes the night train with her bible of*
* * dreams, a suitcase pretty pink, a cassette  *
*  Dr13 of the NTB          * of fresh screams."                          *