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From: Ulrich Grepel <>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 92 12:09:36 +0100
Subject: more collectiKateibles:
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
Now here's the next episode in the never-ending story of additions to the Illustrated Collector's Guide to Kate Bush:. Recently I found three things that I added to my list of collectiKateibles: - British 'Kate Bush' 3CD-box. This '92 release contains the three early Kate albums, all British releases, and consits of a card box with a quite dark picture of Kate with her 'Lionheart' hairdo on the front, 'Kate Bush' and the three album titles on the sides, and a track listing of all three CDs on the back. I have not seen this item mentioned here before, so here I go. (Not quite true: Someone (dunno who now) has mentioned a French ripoff with the same contents, but 1. this one is British and 2. other than the other poster said about the French one, the albums are always listed in the right order.) I hate EMI for doing such ripoffs. At least it was not more expensive than the three CDs would have cost separately... - Japanese 'The Dreaming'-CD on "Supermasters"-series. It has a date of '91 on the CD itself, has the order number TOCP-6702, a white plastic insert (as the Japanese TWW box CDs), a booklet with English and Japanese lyrics and a Japanese article (and if I only could, I'd make a read in Kanji...) and Japanese discography. The contents of the booklet is more or less similar to the boxed set one, but in a slightly altered order. It is also not on glossy paper except the outer sheet of paper. The picture frame around the disc's contents on page three of the boxed set one is replaced by a simple grey frame with 'Supermasters' on it. What is interesting is the way they have botched the pictures: - Front page of booklet: The boxed set has the boxed-set-order-number 'TOCP-6463' at the bottom left corner. On the supermasters edition there is a clearly visible manipulation of the photo: Take a rectangle of another part of the photo that is similar in colour and then apply it over the number. Wham! It's away. Now you do a new, black, order number 'TOCP-6702' on thet bottom right corner. If you think in these terms, a hundredth- generation-cover is quite patched and unrecognizable. Looks like a buggy screensaver doing 15-puzzle. Or more than 15... - Back page of booklet: Where the boxed set edition has the EMI-logo and some text ("STEREO * $%@EMI{@$%(' MADE IN JAPAN", followed by a single Kanji or so character in a little square at the bottom of the picture, the SM-edition has the same thing, except that the character in the square at the end is a quite normal, Latin 'T' and - more disturbing - another 'get some (subset of a) rectangle of the photo and copy it to conceal the original writings' un-work. If I were working at Toshiba-EMI, I would immediately suggest the photo editor to perform Harakiri. Never seen as bad a job in photo manipulation. - The back of the CD box has a quite different layout than the boxed set one: there is a white frame around the picture that appeared on the backside of the booklet, where the whole writing at the bottom is completely deleted by copying that part just above the concealed part. The white frame contains some (for me) undecipherable Kanji as well as a track listing in Kanji, as well as a blue 'ribbon' with 'Superm/\sters' (Hi |>oug /\lan!) written on it. There's something there that looks like '91.4.12', perhaps that's some release date, but is this December or April? How do the Japanese order their dates? BTW: The boxed set CD has - as my UK one - a different ivy leaves subset of the LP back cover on the back side of the booklet compared to the back of the CD box. The SM-edition has the back-of-booklet subset both times. The whole story behind my describing this obviously cheap Japanese CD (can any Japanese import CD be cheap? This surely wasn't...) is just because Kate seems to be on some Nice-Price series in Japan. The whole thing costs 2,300 Yen in Japan (much more here, I have to admit). What are regular CD prices in Japan? 2,300 Yen sound Nice-Price to my German influenced CD pricings, but not so in the US. BTW: Kates CD albums are - with the exception of TWS - all in the Nice-Price range in Germany. You won't have to pay more than 22,- DM for them. Normal CDs are >30 DM nowadays. - Kate did a RUTH lip synch performance in September '85 on the German TV station WDR's programme WWF-Club. Further details in another message by me from today. I hope I have not bored too many people out there with this information that is only relevant to even a subset of the true fans, but... Uli P.S.: At the moment I am using up my precious time for doing something completely irrelevant: I have downloaded about 40 Megabytes of Love-Hounds archives and I actually am reading them. Until now I have succeded to the beginning of Feb. 87. Funny time. Interesting is that 'The Dreaming' wasn't out on CD until then. Considering that I bought mine (or actually my first one) less than a year later, just a little while after being introduced to Kate by HoL, I see that I am one of the early owners of TD on CD! I did not know that before! And NfE even came out later! How much later? I have bought it together with TD.