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Re: Y KANT KATE TURE & Flamewars

From: (chris williams)
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 92 19:37 CST
Subject: Re: Y KANT KATE TURE & Flamewars
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
In-Reply-To: <>
Organization: FCIA Univ. of Chicago

In article <> you write:
>Kimberly Stauffer AMSTE-LGS 4900 <kstauff@APG-9.APG.ARMY.MIL> asks:
>I've heard that she has a fear of flying.  I recently heard that Robert Smith
>of the Cure also has a fear of flying and on their recent tour (farewell #2?)
>they hopped a boat to N.A. and bussed it as much as possible after that.  They
>had no plans of touring Australia until several thousand Aussie fans sent in a 
>petition begging them to come over.  Anyone think this would work with Kate?
>Sign me up anyway, but please wait until the new album is in the stores...

  She may not _like_ it but she will fly when necessary. She canceled a
promo tour for _The Dreaming_ when the QE2 had engine trouble, on one
She did fly here (America) for the promo tour for _Hounds of Love_. She
flew the Concorde to JFK in New York (one of the only airports in the US
that will accept it.) We met her plane, and she didn't look _too_
stressed out. According to an uncomfirmed source, Kate attended a record
company meeting in Las Vegas, and was "treated" to a small plane tour of
*the Grand Canyon*! Now *that* would be stressful!

                                 Chris Williams