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more sarah stuff

From: "l.l. cool bean" <REWOICC%ERENJ.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 92 20:42:30 EDT
Subject: more sarah stuff
To: love-hounds <love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET>

two quickies:

1. i agree about the wimpiness of the strings on the cbc performances of
   "sad clown" and "black". "black" just isn't right unless it kicks you
   in the head and knocks you out.

2. which is a good lead in to point the second. i got the rest of my
   nettwerk order today (except for the single gun theory cd. grrr.)
   and listened to the live ep first. very nice, if overly gushy, tour
   program-cum-jewel-booklet. after listening to the entire thing
   (which includes "ben's song" by the way), i decided that i'll pro-
   bably never listen to _solace_ again since a) this ep has a good
   portion of the songs from that album and b) the live versions are
   light-years ahead of the album versions, each and every one.

so there.

tip o'the hat to |>oug for the history lesson - i never knew that nm-list
and love-hounds were intertwined, but then i started my gaffa career in
early 1989 so i wouldn't have known. nice to see |>oug posting again too.
never hurts to have the old guard out and about.
