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Date: Sun, 18 Oct 92 17:33:16 EDT
Subject: many an aborigine's mistaken for a tree
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
Hi all! I think I have finally figured out how to post (Thanks Liam:) ), and now that this glorious day has come, I have many questions for you gaffans.... Does anyone know how Tori or Kate feel about the comparisons that have been drawn between them? A KaTefan I know once told me that Kate was a Druid priestess (!!) -- has anyone else heard that? "Night of the Swallow" is probably my all time favorite Kate song, but I've not a clue what it's about -- what do you think this situation is that she's describing? Don't you love the line, "wings fill the window, and they beat and bleed"..... Well, back to biology -- Elisabeth Hi Liam, Ken, Gina, and other A2 readers of love-hounds! 12 MORE DAYS UNTIL TORI COMES TO DETROIT!