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Out in the garden their's HALF of a heaven (re:UTAH SAINTS)

From: acsbk@UMASSD.EDU
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1992 14:00:40 GMT
Subject: Out in the garden their's HALF of a heaven (re:UTAH SAINTS)
Reply-To: acsbk@UMASSD.EDU
Sender: (USENET News System)

	For simplicity, I will use the following definitions from Websters:

	Music: n. def 1. The art and science of combining vocal or 
instrumental sounds or tones in varying melody, harmony, rhythm, and
timbre, esp. so as to form structurally complete and emotionally
expressive compositions.
	Music: n. def 3. any rhythmic sequence of pleasing sounds, as of 
birds, water, etc.

	Song: n. 1. the act or art of singing 2. a piece of music sung or
as if for singing.

	Does the Utah Saints song 'kick'? Is it danceable? Industrial?

	Yes, it is danceable, it is a 'kicking' tune. Industrial? opinions vary,
but I for one think that it is industrial in that it was probably cranked out
in a Electronic Music studio (speaking from experience) in a matter of several

	Is it music? Is it a 'song'. Is it Ethical?

	It can be plainly seen from the definitions that it is NOT a song,
for the U.S. performer does not sing, the person shouts. Samples of singing
dod not count. In critique I can offer however, that the phase envelope
in the begining of the Kate sample is sweet, though the backrythm can be
worked much better than the way it was overdubbed, and the instruments 
should be brought forward a few tracks and out of the murk.
	Music and ethics: (this is not flaming, beleive it or not.)
	It is music only in the same sense as definition 3. It is neither
structuraly complete nor emotionally expressive. When I say not complete
in structure, I mean not that it lacks in entirety, I am saying that it
is only 80% there. When I say no emotions, I mean nothing of worth. It
excites people, like it is supposed to, and may express anxiety and 
agression, but not through its 'lyrics'.

	Ethics. ouch. From a musician's standpoint: Kate's sample is 7 sylables
longer than the U.Saints vocal track. There is more integrity and merrit in
my banging two rocks together than in the whole of the U.S. piece. Why?
because I bang them together MYSELF.

	I invite discussion on this matter seeing as it does have to do 
intrinsically with Kate, not with ethics of the above, but alternative or
opposing critique of the piece itself. If you wish to flame, lay on, for
my address is below and you dont need to waste bandwidth.

	Bret Kulakovich,
	My appologies for the spelling/structure errors, this editor is 
	newly installed and does catywonker things.

	'You know that something good is gonna happen'
	(c) 1985? Kate Bush Music Ltd. EMI.