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Latest Utne & Lioness

From: greg <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 92 23:09:28 EST
Subject: Latest Utne & Lioness

The July/August _Utne_Reader_'s Mixed Media selection has the following

Sarah McLachlan: _Solace_ (Arista).  She's been descibed as Canada's answer
to Kate Bush, but McLachlan is much warmer and more mystical, with a
delicately classical influence.

I couldn't imagine that she would be warmer than KaTe, so I copped the
CD and was not disappointed: she's not at all warmer than KaTe!  Who the
heck came up with the comparison to KaTe!!  I just don't see (hear) much
resemblance.  I think KaTe's more mystical, too ;-).

While on a quick vacation, I ran across _A_Lioness_at_Heart_ at this
great CD shop in Grand Haven, MI.  The owner is a big KaTe/Genesis/Yes/
Oldfield/XTC fan (among other things).  There were three copies of
_ALaH there, for ~ $55.  I thought this was a good price - nice pix,
too!  Unfortunately, I settled for Mike Oldfield's _Amorak_ (incredible
jam!) and some other goodies.  For anyone interested in _ALaH_, the
address is:
Dan's Compact Music
105 North 7th
Grand Haven, MI (zip??)
(616) 846-7885

|                                                                      -
-    Greg Clark                                'Every now and then     |
|                                               things become clear'   -
-                    -Siberry      |
|                                                                      -