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Re: ToriBusting

From: (Gerald Hough)
Date: Sat, 30 May 1992 05:37:08 -0700
Subject: Re: ToriBusting
Distribution: na
Organization: Purdue University Computing Center
References: <67645@apple.Apple.COM> <67893@apple.Apple.COM>

In article <67893@apple.Apple.COM> (jessica) writes:
> (Gerald Hough) writes:
>>Okay, I just saw the Tori Amos video: Silent All These Years.
>>And her in the crate I see as plagiarism of Kate's "Kick Inside" cover...
>plagiarism!?!? I don't think so.

Kate comes out with a certain sound, very unique
Tori comes out with a similar sound... okay, I accept that

Kate's first album has, for promotional purposes, pictures of herself
 sprawled inside a crate.
Poof!  Tori's first "album"- in the sense that it's her first big album-
 video has her sprawled inside a crate.  It's just too close to be by
 chance.  If not plagiarism, then call it following too closely the steps
 taken by our beloved Kate.

>			jessica


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