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Kate dream

From: KROVETZ@cs.umass.EDU
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1992 13:31:00 -0800
Subject: Kate dream
To: love-hounds@wiretap.spies.COM

I had a dream about Kate a few weeks ago.  It was about a new album
she had just come out with.  It was a concept album concerned with
solving a mystery.  She left all sorts of clues in the form of subtle
references in the lyrics, backwards lyrics, and little things hidden
on the cover.  The cover was great!  It was done by the guy who does
the introduction to the TV series, Mystery!.  The solution to the
mystery is never revealed explicitly; in order to find out the solution
you had to piece the clues together.  I don't remember much about the
music, but I remember Kate being interviewed about it and saying how
happy she was to get the illustrator from Mystery to work with her...
