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Let me repeat myself..

From: (Chris n Vickie)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1991 12:31:00 -0800
Subject: Let me repeat myself..

Zim writes:

> ...just wanted to say that I thoroughly agree with Ben: putting labels
> on music is *not* censorship (although it may be many other things;
> prudish and bone-headed spring immediately to mind), and the word
> should indeed be reserved for genuine cases.

a) I DIDN'T SAY that labels themselves were "censorship"
b) I was saying that I thought what Larry was trying to say was...

c) Labels ----CAN---->LEAD---->TO---->CENSORSHIP
d) Personally, I think that many stores have, and will continue to,
   use labels as an ---EXCUSE---- for censorship. ****IMHO****

e) Some chains have actually SAID that they will not carry labeled records.

No, no store should be *required* to carry any music they don't want to,
nor should they be forced to *not* carry any music they might want to.

Still, people who are worried about the future of liberty in this country
would do well to at least keep an eye on, and speak out if they feel it's
necessary, trends that **point to the possibility** of "real" censorship, or
else we're all going to wake up one day wondering why no one said anything
when there was a chance. 


"I see a Bad Moon a-Rising, I see trouble on the way" CCR