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From: (Susan Harwood Kaczmarczik)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1991 05:38:37 -0800
Subject: Re: Is Kate a witch?
Organization: University of Texas at Austin
Posted-Date: 13 Nov 91 13:38:37 GMT
Sender: ut-emx!
>In article <> >hargieka@clutx.clarkson.EDU (Caoineag) writes: >Whether or not she is a witch, she certainly is aware of some Pagan >ritual as evidenced by above - which came from a fairly obscure >source. The consensus seems to be that we'd love to claim her as one, she sure seems to act like one in the general sense of the word (being a very magical person with the same kind of outlook on life that we have), but she's never said that she practices and probably wouldn't say so, considering how private she is about things. Not that it matters -- very many of the Goddess icons in my house are Kate anyway... :) >kIrI > >hargieka@clutx.bitnet -- -----Susan Harwood Kaczmarczik-------------------------------*<:-)------------- "Go right to the rose, go right to the white rose, I'll be waiting for you..." University of Texas @Austin---