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Date: Sat, 9 Nov 1991 06:58:39 -0800
Subject: Rocketman

Oh, the things I go through for KaTe.

I've been waiting, not very patiently, to hear Rocketman for ever, or at least
3 weeks, whichever is longer--I'm not sure at this point.

I random-chanced a time to shower this morning, and random-chanced true
the boolean "yes, I will listen to my sister's radio while I'm in the
shower" (she keeps a radio in the bathroom but I almost never listen to 

In the middle of my shower, my hair full o' goop, I hear the DJ say
"Kate Bush."  At which point I shut off the water and opened the shower 
curtain and listened to KaTe.  It was *cold*.  But I finally got to hear

Impession 1:  this would be a *great* song for flying a kite ballet.

Impression 2:  the beginning is great.  the end is great.  parts of the
middle are great. 

I dunno...not all of the harmonies work quite right for me.  I don't mind
the cod reggae, though I don't think it fits very well with the the somberness
of the opening portion (or the lyrics).  I absolutely love the uillean pipe
(did Davey Spilane play for KaTe again?) and I think it blends beautifully.
In fact, that final portion, after she says "I think it's gonna be a long
long time" is wonderful.

Impression 3:  is it just me or is that real prevalent snare sound really 
nasty?  I remember some people talking about stuff sounding incredibly
compressed, and I wondered if what I was hearing was the result of 
compression--I don't know enough about it to be able to recognize it as 
such.  That snare sounded like a fairly old computerized sound.  

Overall, I thought it was quite good and I really hope Chris wasn't joking
when he said that it would be released as a single with "Candle in the Wind."


|Jeffrey C. Burka                | "Show what you are / Be strong, be true  |
|                                | Time for you to / Be who you are."       |
|          |                         --Happy Rhodes   |