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Auntie Myas

From: (Chris n Vickie)
Date: Sat, 5 Oct 1991 17:57:00 -0700
Subject: Auntie Myas

Auntie Vickie here. Do I hear Drukman raving again? (Chris n Vickie) raps:
>> I don't feel weird about being a 35 year old
>> woman, and Chris doesn't feel weird about being a 31 year old man

> Oh my giddy aunt...!

What are you going on about? I'm an aunt, and I'm often giddy, but I'm
not yours (oh dearie, what's auntie Vickie going to get Jonathan for
Christmas? Why, I think he'll like these nice Barry Manilow records and 
perhaps these Harlequin Romances...)

> (That'll teach me never to judge a book by its contents again!)

You have my blessings.

> Jon Drukman (now an explosive new movie)        uunet!sco!jondr
               ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^
Rated NC-17, no doubt.  Wait...I remember...yeah! We saw that! We loved it.
It was much better than _Cats_. We want to see it again and again.

Vickie (one of the old farts)