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anne clarke

Date: Fri, 10 May 91 12:52:05 EDT
Subject: anne clarke
Organization: fegmaniax anonymous, inc

mark kraft asks about anne clarke. interestingly enough, i've been meaning to
ask about her, but for a different reason: i want to know who she is! when in
europe last month, i saw her records pretty much everywhere i went. anybody
(like you, mark) care to fill me in on her?

just fyi, i didn't look at any dates of releases, but it appeared from the
abundance of her music that was available, that she is either exceeding pop-
ular in germany or that a release had just come out.

someone else that i would recommend for the jazz/pop feel that jeff abbot used
to describe julia fordham, is gianna nanini. i don't know very much about her,
except for songs are a tape that a friend sent me. there is more of a latin
feel to her music as well, but i think it is quite fine as well (and she rarely
sings in english).
woj   zengineer/dj for hire/goofball           "one of the band told me last
work: rewoicc@erenj.bitnet                      night that music was all that
play:         he's got in his life" -KT
  --  society of dark birds: fegmaniax-request@pebbles.sct.clarkson --