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From: (Susan Harwood Kaczmarczik)
Date: 9 Apr 91 23:09:24 GMT
Subject: Any Tour News?
Organization: The University of Texas at Austin
Posted-Date: 9 Apr 91 23:09:24 GMT
Reply-To: (Susan Harwood Kaczmarczik)
Sender: ut-emx!
I have been incredibly busy and thus unable to post to .gaffa as I did before (Hi Ed! Hi Rob! Hi Vickie! -- if y'all are still here...). So I'm behind on the news. Is there any news on the tour? Last I heard was she *was* going to tour and dates were being planned. If she is going to come here to the States, where will she play? I'm still as rabid a Love-Hound as ever; I just can't always get to the newsfeed. So please post whatever details (real facts, please; not our wild hopes) you know about the tour. Thanks! She really is, you know. -- -----Susan Harwood Kaczmarczik-------------------------------*<:-)------------- "The whims that we're weeping for our parents would be beaten for."--Kate Bush University of Texas @Austin---