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Re: Live at Hammersmith Odeon

From: (Susan Harwood Kaczmarczik)
Date: 16 Feb 91 03:04:45 GMT
Subject: Re: Live at Hammersmith Odeon
Organization: The University of Texas at Austin
Posted-Date: 16 Feb 91 03:04:45 GMT
Reply-To: (Susan Harwood Kaczmarczik)
Sender: ut-emx!

[Ed's analysis of the two releases compared]

Well, when I rented it for the first time, in the fall of 1989, it was
in the cardboard cover, not the plastic one; so it's been out that
long.  However, if I'd bought it then, it would have cost me some
ungodly amount because it was an import.

I bought it 13 February as a Valentine for my husband and me for
$19.99 -- a damned sight better than seventy-something.

I hadn't seen it in months.  Oh joy!  Oh rapture!  It was wonderful.

[wow wow wow wow wow wow --- unbe-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-vable!]

Watching Kate put all that effort and care into putting on a show for
her fans made me forget to grumble about the boxed set for a little
while.  :-)

And remember:  She really is!
-----Susan Harwood Kaczmarczik-------------------------------*<:-)-------------
"The whims that we're weeping for our parents would be beaten for."--Kate Bush University of Texas @Austin---