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Eclectic Music Survey #5 REPOST

From: (David Datta)
Date: 21 Jan 91 18:16:38 GMT
Subject: Eclectic Music Survey #5 REPOST
Organization: University of Wisconsin - Parkside
Reply-To: (David Datta)

		 Eclectic Music Survey #5 REPOST

Survey Re-Posting					    January 1991

First, here is a list of the replies to the survey I have received so
far. If your name is not on this list and you sent me your response, I
did not get it again. Thank you everyone who has responded so far:

<CARROLLJ%ALCBAN@KRDC.INT.Alcan.CA>	(The Holy Lunching Friars of Voondoon)
<>		(Susan Harwood Kaczmarczik)
<>			(Andrew Farmer)
<ctuel@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU>		(Cliff Tuel)
<>		(Patrick Jost)
<>			(Michael L. Kaufman)
<kk4fs!>		(Slender Fungus)
<>			(John M. Relph)
<>			(Richard M Brack)
<root@cellar.ORG>			(Superuser)
<>		(Ken Warkentyne)
<wurtz@cvedc.Prime.COM>			(Tom Wurtz)

Second, a little history: 

    On January 15th 1990, I posted a list of 963 artists with the
    following instructions:

    Here is a list of artists, Please take this list and chop it to
    pieces, post something pertaining to one of the artists, reply to
    me and I will summarize comments. Never heard of an artist ask the
    world. I can tell you at least a song title to look for by every
    artist on this list. Others probably have more information than I
    do. If you are ambitious, *** I DARE *** someone to just try &
    classify these into various "types" of music.

The main intent of this survey was to get an idea of what net folks had
to say about different artists. 

The list was re-posted February 1st reminding people to respond, results
were accepted until February 17th. I received replies from 48 people,
totaling 1782 comments on approximately 572 artists (not counting artists
responders added), 391 of the artists I listed were not commented on. The
final survey results totaled 387K. 

The results of the last survey are still available via FTP from If you want them via E-Mail, please feel free to mail
me and I will be happy to mail them (it might take a while to get them
all to you though.)

*NOTE*	 Although the survey is being run in and, the results will only be posted in I will post a message noting the survey
	 completion and results availability in
	 (love-hounds mailing list) and they will be available via FTP and
	 E-mail request.

In response to the comments made from the pre-posting, there will be two
surveys conducted with the same artist list, here are the "rules":

Survey 1:

    Here is a list of artists, Please take this list and chop it to
    pieces, reply to me with ANY comment about that artist, and I will
    summarize your comments with the other replies. There is no
    "unacceptable" comment.

Survey 2:

Your friend has won a sweepstakes, the prize rules are as follows:

    The winner can have 1 album per artist for as many artists that
    can be thought up. To get you started, is the list of artists
    below. You can assume that all albums ever recorded by the artist
    are available for this case. Please do not include bootlegs/live
    recordings that were never "officially" released.

    Your friend has come to you to find out what to buy. For each
    artist that you are familiar with, pick THE "album" that you would
    recommend to your friend, also pick the album that you would tell
    your friend to avoid at all costs. (if applicable) Feel free to
    add new artists to the list and also, please explain WHY this
    album is your choice.

    Not all of the artists in this list has released an album, if this
    is the case, list the single/collaboaration/whatever, or if you
    think a collaboration album is better, go ahead and list it. (Be
    sure to know what the "artist" it can be found listed under.)

A couple of comments about all of this:

Where this list of artists came from:

    This list is compiled from the respondents of the previous surveys
    and the list of artists from my own music catalogue. Please help
    me correct any typos and alphabetizing errors. The list below is
    formatted with the sort key followed by the artist name, some of
    the sort keys have been truncated to preserve space. 

    Some of the combinations listed below may not seem to make sense,
    things like "Peter Gabriel and Simple Minds" these collaborations
    are usually because they appreared together live at some point.
    Others listed here may be confusing, like Douglas Adams, he wrote
    Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy which is in my collection on CD,
    thus he is on the list, Whoopie Goldberg was in the Nelson Mandela
    concert, etc...

    Feel free to add more artists/groups, if it is not on the list
    below, it is not for any reason other than the fact that no-one
    thought of the name to add to the list, there are no deliberate
    omissions. Eclectic means "from many sources" and as such, this
    survey will cover any and all types of music that people wish to
    write about. It is all "fair game"

How to reply:

    You don't HAVE to reply to both surveys. (but it would be
    appreciated :-) It won't matter if you do them seperately or as
    one mailing. If it turns out that one or the other is too large,
    the results will be split into the two different surveys.

    Please don't indent your replies, I will handle that when I compile
    the results. I would appreciate it if you could use the following or a
    similar format: (If you do delete part of the line, please leave the
    sort key version of the artist, it will help me compile the results.)

Comments about artist

    I will respond to ALL replies. I recommend that you keep a copy of
    your response to this survey until you get a response from me. I will
    be posting a final call with a current response list on or around January
    31st. The survey will end About February 7th.

Here is an example of some comments from the last survey:


    "2112", "A Farewell To Kings" & "Hemispheres" are all supreme
    examples of progressive HM. "Moving Pictures" is THE techno-rock
    album of the 80s. Their recent albums will probably appeal more to
    Police/Simple Minds fans than metal-kids although "Power Windows"
    is impressive.
	  - Iain Smith & Jonathan Habrovitsky

    Heavy metal on the first album & progressed more into what I
    consider the progressive style.

    My personal all-time favorite group. What you get when you put the
    best drummer in the world, with the best bass/synth combo man, and
    a very talented guitarist together. I hope they never quit!
	  - Chris Chavez 

    Pretty good prog-rock up until _Moving Pictures_. After that, they
    started to go downhill and become boring. _Signals_ was fairly
    good, _Grace Under Pressure_ had a few high spots, but after that
    I started gagging every time their new songs came on the radio.
	  - Richard Caley

    Save yourself some money. Instead of buying the new Rush album
    just play one of the old ones again. You won't notice the

    They are one my favorite groups. I even like their recent albums a
    lot. It's too bad they lost that raw energy ala 'Working Man'
    though. I like their polished music of late for different reasons.
	  - Frank J. Schima

    Tried and true! Success hasn't spoiled this bunch!
	  - David Caldwell macs! 

    Very good rock group regardless of responses to previous survey.
    Their best work was from 1976 - 1982. Most of their songs had some
    story connected with it, rather than having ethereal lyrics or
    endlessly repeating, meaningless gibberish with extensive sexual
    connotation. They started to lose it on "Hold Your Fire", and were
    pretty bad on their latest, "Presto"
	  - Christopher Waldemar Bochna

    Vile disco crap :-)

**  Please remember, this is asking your opinion. There is no "right"
    and no "wrong" thing to say. If you hate so-and-so, tell us!!!

Artist List: (There are 1600+ artists in this list....)

(sort key)			  (artist "proper" name)

100 flowers			  100 Flowers
1000 homo djs			  1000 Homo DJs
13th floor elevators		  13th Floor Elevators
2 house people			  2 House People
45 grave			  45 Grave
808 state			  808 State
999				  999
a certain ratio			  A Certain Ratio
a house				  A House
a tribute to leadbelly		  A Tribute To Leadbelly
a tribute to monk & bird	  A Tribute to Monk & Bird
a-ha				  a-ha
aaberg philip			  Philip Aaberg
aaron robert			  Robert Aaron
abaercrombie john		  John Abaercrombie
abc				  ABC
abdul paula			  Paula Abdul
abrams muhal richard		  Muhal Richard Abrams
ac/dc				  AC/DC
acid horse			  Acid Horse
ackerman william		  William Ackerman
acoustic alchemy		  Acoustic Alchemy
act				  Act
adams douglas			  Douglas Adams
adderley benjamin		  Benjamin Adderley
adeva				  Adeva
adonis				  Adonis
afrika bambaata			  Afrika Bambaata
after the fire			  After The Fire
agee tawatha			  Tawatha Agee
ahwai robert			  Robert Ahwai
air force one			  Air Force One
alarm				  Alarm
alien sex fiend			  Alien Sex Fiend
allcock martin			  Martin Allcock
allen & afro beat 2000 tony	  Tony Allen & Afro Beat 2000
allen james			  James H. Allen
allman gregg			  Greg Allman
alomar carlos			  Carlos Alomar
alphaville			  Alphaville
ambrose francis			  Francis Ambrose
ambrosia			  Ambrosia
amon duul			  Amon Duul
amon duul ii			  Amon Duul II
ancient future			  Ancient Future
anderson bruford wakeman & howe	  Anderson Bruford Wakeman & Howe
anderson ian			  Ian Anderson
anderson jon			  Jon Anderson
anderson laurie			  Laurie Anderson
anderson ray			  Ray Anderson
anderton craig			  Craig Anderton
anger darol			  Darol Anger
annabouboula			  Annabouboula
ant adam			  Adam Ant
antonio paolo			  Paolo Antonio
aphrodite's child		  Aphrodite's Child
applewhite rudy			  Rudy Applewhite
apsaras				  Apsaras
area				  Area
argandona mario			  Mario Argandona
argent				  Argent
arkenstone & white		  Arkenstone & White
arkenstone david		  David Arkenstone
armando				  Armando
armani a. w.-murray		  Armani A. W.-Murray
armatrading joan		  Joan Armatrading
arms of someone new		  The Arms of Someone New
arnold p.p			  P.P Arnold
art of noise			  Art Of Noise
ashra				  Ashra
asia				  Asia
askarian khatchaturian		  Antranik Askarian, Khatchadour 
askew joy			  Joy Askew
asleep at the wheel		  Asleep At The Wheel
associates			  Associates
astley jon			  Jon Astley
astley rick			  Rick Astley
aswad & sly and robbie		  Aswad & Sly And Robbie
aura william			  William Aura
austin pattie			  Pattie Austin
ayers kevin			  Kevin Ayers
aykroyd dan			  Dan Aykroyd
aziz abdul el-sayed		  Abdul Aziz El-Sayed
aztec camera			  Aztec Camera
azuma				  Azuma
b52s				  B52s
bach johann sebastian		  Johann Sebastian Bach
bacon max			  Max Bacon
bad boy bill			  Bad Boy Bill
baden powell			  Baden Powell
badrena manolo			  Manolo Badrena
baker anita			  Anita Baker
baker arthur			  Arthur Baker
baker chet			  Chet Baker
baldwin terry			  Terry Baldwin
ballard hank			  Hank Ballard
ballou phil			  Phil Ballou
bananarama			  Bananarama
band of holy joy		  Band of Holy Joy
banfi bilo			  Bilo Banfi
bang the party			  Bang The Party
banga (tanta-suaag)		  Banga (Tanta-Suaag)
banks tony			  Tony Banks
baptista cyro			  Cyro Baptista
barber billy			  Billy Barber
bardens pete			  Pete Bardens
barefoot			  barefoot
barker guy			  Guy Barker
barnes & barnes			  Barnes & Barnes
baron joey			  Joey Baron
barreca marc			  Marc Barreca
barrett syd			  Syd Barrett
barthope tim			  Tim Barthope
bartz jim			  Jim Bartz
basho robbie			  Robbie Basho
bauhaus				  Bauhaus
baumann peter			  Peter Baumann
bbc radiophonic workshop	  BBC Radiophonic Workshop
be bop deluxe			  Be Bop Deluxe
beach boys			  Beach Boys
bearnes & r. dexter r.		  R. Bearnes & R. Dexter
beat professor			  Beat Professor
beatles				  Beatles
beatty carl			  Carl Beatty
beautiful pea green boat	  Beautiful Pea Green Boat
beauvais keith			  Keith Beauvais
becca				  Becca
bechet sidney			  Sidney Bechet
beck jeff			  Jeff Beck
beck joe			  Joe Beck
beck, bogert & appice		  Beck, Bogert & Appice
becker david tribune		  David Becker Tribune
belafonte harry			  Harry Belafonte
belew adrian			  Adrian Belew
bell lori			  Lori Bell
bell maggie			  Maggie Bell
bell teja			  Teja Bell
bell teja/kindler steve		  Teja Bell/Steve Kindler
belle stars			  The Belle Stars
beloved				  The Beloved
benatar pat			  Pat Benatar
bennett				  Tony Bennett
benoit david			  David Benoit
berkey jackson			  Jackson Berkey
bernhardt warren		  Warren Bernhardt
berryhill cindy lee		  Cindy Lee Berryhill
best peter			  Peter Best
bhatia amin			  Amin Bhatia
big black			  Big Black