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Yo ho huh?

From: (Gregory Bossert)
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 14:39:21 -0500
Subject: Yo ho huh?

LoveHounds may be interested in a rather odd Christmas CD:

	Gross Santa's Yuletide Favorites
	Sound Museum AVL90117CD
	Sound Museum, RSI, Boston MA 617-423-4959

It's a compilation of traditional Christmas music performed in non-
traditional ways.  The performances are for the most part in the alternative
rock genre -- lots of synths and drone guitar.  It's of interest to KaTefans

	1)  The arrangements are more complex than is the norm for this
	    type of music,
	2)  There are several female vocalists represented
	3)  There is a truly great version of the Coventry Carol by Patty
	    Barkus -- I don't know anything about her, but I hope to learn
	    more;  the production (with background whispers, odd synth
	    programming, and complex overlayed percussion) is definitely
	    working along KaTely lines...

Also, two of the groups are friends of mine...  This is a Boston area project,
and I don't know if it is being nationally distributed, but it's worth a 
listen if you can find it.

greg -- -- December *is* magic again!