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From: Adams%J.Berkeley.EDU@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (
Date: 16 Dec 90 09:37:33 GMT
Subject: Hiya!
Organization: Lost Concepts, Inc.
Sender: daemon@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU

Hiya KaTefans! I've been reading this group for a few months, and
never really had time to get involved, but now I do, I am :)

Does anyone know of any upcoming KaTe events in the Boston/New England
area ?! I haven't seen much of anything around here, maybe someone's having
a KaTemas party or something??

Besides that... As far as KaTe's boxed set goes, is it possible to
get it cheaper than $125?? I mean, she's incredible and all, but that's a
mess of $$ ! Anyhow, more later.. 

-- John


P.S.. I'm intrested in meeting other KaTefans in the Boston Area; drop me
some mail!

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John Adams                                       INTERNET ->

 "What you get is all real; I can't put on an act, it takes brains to do
  that anyway..." -- XTC
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