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"The Whole Story" (book)

From: claris! (Scott Lindsey)
Date: 16 May 90 22:56:27 GMT
Subject: "The Whole Story" (book)
Distribution: rec
Keywords: Loomis, kwashiorkor, aft, kirk
Organization: Claris Corporation, Santa Clara, CA
Sender: claris!
Subversive: Soviet

I recently came across a book entitled "Kate Bush: The Whole Story" (don't
recall the author).  I don't recall the book being discussed recently
hereabouts (though I won't discount the possibility at all... I tend to skim
a lot).  As the book was shrink-wrapped, I was unable to peruse it's content.
Can anyone (resident reviewer, IED?) give me a brief overview of its content
and value (fan-value, not monetary).

Scott Lindsey     | I dig iguana in their outer space duds
Claris Corp.      |    saying, "Aren't you glad we only eat bugs?"
ames!claris!wombat| DISCLAIMER: These are not the opinions of Claris, Apple, |    StyleWare, the author, or anyone else living or Dead.