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Re: Kate and Paganism

From: the evil one <>
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 90 20:38:15 EDT
Subject: Re: Kate and Paganism

meredith says:
> Reading Larne from Yale's account of how he became a Love-Hound reminded
> me of something I've been meaning to bring up for a while now: the amount
> of pagan imagery present in the video for "The Sensual World".
> I don't know what was discussed about Kate on the paganism mailing list (anybody
> like to enlighten me?), but the general consensus among my friends and family
> who have seen the TSW video is, My God, That's SO Pagan!!!  My sister proclaimed
> the part where KT is dancing backwards through the trees and the full moon
> as positively Wiccan, although I don't know enough of Wiccan stuff to be able
> to agree or disagree.  It's certainly Celtic- trees, moon, fire, a hauntingly
> beautiful woman dancing very strangely through it all.  It seems Druid to
> me, but again, I'm not one to judge.
hmmm...i'm not an expert on things celtic, but i would hazard a guess
that the intentions of KaTe were just that.  KaTe admits the celtic
influence on this song, she admits the joycean influence (an irish,
if disgruntled irish, writer) and she states quite openly that the song
is about the sensuality of the world. the celts were very sensual
people - you can see it in their art, their myths and their culture - 
so i, for one, am not at all surprised about the direction the video
took (under KaTe's direction mind you).

i'm not that sure that this is KaTe's way of saying "hey, i'm a 
wiccan!" though. i see it more as a celtic influence on KaTe rather than
a religious /pagan influence.

> I think the only time I've seen Kate wear an item of jewelry was on one of
> the MTV mini-interviews, in which she was wearing a Druid sickle pendant
> around her neck.  I know she's said she doesn't have any real religious beliefs,
> but with her Irish heritage and her interest in traditional Celtic stuff,
> it didn't appear strange to me.

again, i have doubts - she probably just thought it was a pretty piece
or something ;)
