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Last Call For Annotations To "Moving"

From: (Neal R Caldwell, Ii)
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 01:31:06 EST
Subject: Last Call For Annotations To "Moving"

I'm just about ready to call my annotated lyrics to "Moving" 
complete.  Here are the changes that will be in final version 
if there are no further suggestions.

All bracketed remarks will be removed.

To the paragraph identifying the sounds at the beginning and end as
"whale song" add the following:

<     It's not clear whether Kate had any particular reason for
<     including these sounds.

After the verse ending with "Try to fall for me" add the following:

<     It could be that here Kate is asking Kemp to try to "fall"
<     for her in spite of his homosexuality.  She seems to say 
<     that his sexual preference shouldn't really matter as long
<     as he's not afraid to have feelings for her.  

After the verse ending with "And sets your spirit dancing" add the

<     Here Kate seems to compare both Kemp's movements and 
<     personality with water.  Not only are his movements fluid 
<     but apparently Kemp has a certain grace and charm, perhaps
<     a zen-like non-resistance.  


If there are no further suggestions or corrections I will post the 
complete final version of the annotated lyrics to "Moving" this 

I recieved some very nice mail about my first draft.  I sent out at
least a "thank-you" to everyone but evidently our gateway was choking
at the time so if anybody failed to hear from me in return let me
know.  (Andy, in case my mail didn't make it, yes I would be pleased
and proud to have your version of the complete lyrics as a starting
point.  1000 line files would probably be preferable)

Next will come "Saxophone Song".  I'll probably post a request for
annotations to that early next week.  Early responses are welcome. 
"SS" shouldn't take too long to complete, I don't think that there's 
as much to it as most Kate songs...but then I used to think that about 
"Moving", too.

My guess is that we'll be finishing "The Sensual World" annotations
just in time for the next album...

"Don't drive too slowly."                 Richard Caldwell
                                          AT&T Network Systems