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vorpal in oed2

From: Michael Mendelson <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 90 23:19:58 -0600
Subject: vorpal in oed2

	I also checked _Chambers_ (1983) last night, and again I
	_vorpal_: A word coined by Lewis Carroll to describe a
	  sword; now used to mean 'sharp edged'
	I'd be a little surprised if this isn't also in the 
	second edition of the OED.
Here is the OED2 definition (fresh off our newly installed online oed2 

1 match
vorpal ('v&revc.:&revr.p&schwa.l), a. A word invented by `Lewis Carroll'
app. with the sense `keen, deadly'; also in subsequent allusive uses.
  1871 L. CARROLL Through Looking-Glass i. 22 The vorpal blade went
snicker-snack! 1941 AUDEN New Year Let. II. 44 Wave at the mechanized
barbarian The vorpal sword of an agrarian. 1970 [see FRABJOUS a.].

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					      "Close the door and
					        open your mind..."