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Re: Lets Talk Music

From: Jon Drukman <jsd@GAFFA.MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 89 18:49:27 EST
Subject: Re: Lets Talk Music
Organization: The Flip Side Of Now
References: <> <>
Reply-To: jsd@gaffa.UUCP (Jon Drukman)

In article <> Way A <> writes:
>I dunno what gives with you guys - I mean, why all this slagging off
>of "Reaching Out" ? The line where she sings "Reaching out for
>Mama", especially at the end, makes my spine tingle. For me, it's
>the best moment on the album. 
>BTW, if this doesn't get a flame from Drukman I'll be disappointed
>(:- ... Jon, your postings are _the_ most interesting on the net. At
>least you _say_ something, not like some people "...Ooh, TSW was
>played 32.657 times on so and so station today (yawwwnnnnn ...))

Another Andy for me to bait!  Oh joy!  Lissen up, you little person, I
don't FLAME on request, OK?  I personally don't give a squirt whether
Reaching Out turns your hormones onto overdrive or not.  On the other
hand, you made the fatal mistake of stroking my already perversely
bloated ego.  However, I must jeer at you for making fun of Ed
Suranyi, who is performing a very important service in keeping us
informed of Kate's radio success.  Admittedly, I don't really care how
many times a Bay Area station plays her songs, since I don't live in
the Bay Area and am not even planning a visit any time soon (although
Tracy Roberts, our lovely Santa Cruz jewel might be able tempt me.
howsabout it my little flower child? :-), but the information might
conceivably be of value to someone.  It should be available, in any
case.  Freedom of information is utmost on my personal political

On an unrelated note, it seems as if I'm the only love-hounds to be
positive about the latest VH-1 special.  This is a rather odd turn of
events, but I guess my main complaint was seconded by most of the
other responses I've seen.  WHEN am I gonna get to see the whole videos?

+---------------------- Is there any ESCAPE from NOISE? ----------------------+
|  |   |\       | |      "Suck on this,                     |
| \|on |/rukman | jsd@umass.bitnet  |       planet of noise bimbo!"           |