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crass verbiage for IED to choke on

From: Jon Drukman <jsd@GAFFA.MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 89 18:15:32 EST
Subject: crass verbiage for IED to choke on

>IED admits that he became a
>bit personal in his recent replies to Jon, but not unduly so, in
>consideration of the astoundingly offensive remarks which Jon has
>been making in this group lately. It seems to this writer that you
>have your priorities mixed up. You seem to want to stifle IED's
>freedom of expression in this group because you find his language
>and opinions displeasing. Yet Jon's recent postings, which IED
>considers to have been uniformly smug, inept, poorly considered
>and filthily worded, are apparently worthy of praise because they
>demonstrate "free thinking" about the subject of Kate Bush's art.

I will accept criticism on the grounds of messing up a simple
fact, for which I have said a thousand Hail Kate's and prayed
hard for absolution (OK, I fucked up.  It was indeed
_The_Big_Sky_.  Must've been those Hairy Frogs From Neptune
playing havoc with the memory circuits.).  However, I would
point out that even the almighty IED has made factual errors

I will NOT accept criticism of my writing style.  You may find
it "smug, inept, poorly considered, and filthily worded" but I
spend much time working out logical, well grounded opinions.  I
also try to write them in an engaging, possibly humorous style
so that love houds do not fall asleep or into a coma while
reading them.  I would never flame Kate for the sake of flaming
Kate.  I truly do not believe that "I'm Still Waiting" is a
really good song, nor do I think that "Reaching Out" is imbued
with the Thread Of Mystery or whatever you want to call the

Nothing is beyond criticism, Mr. IED.  (I'm deliberately
avoiding calling you Mr. Marvick because the Andrew Marvick I
know would never act the way IED's been acting lately.)  You
once said that you were adopting the pedantic dry as dust tone
of the Reichian scholar.  I would say that like your role model,
you have gone past the point of scientific usefulness into the
realm of total insanity.  But it is not too late to turn back.

And as for your LOYALTY... Well, I wouldn't want to name dates
and times but I recall a period where Love Hounds was not on its
feet very often and some certain person promised to pledge his
allegiance to another mailing list...

Well, maybe I'm smug.  But that's only because I'm right.

There are none so deaf as those that clutch at straws.
+---------------------- Is there any ESCAPE from NOISE? ----------------------+
|  |   |\       | |      "Suck on this,                     |
| \|on |/rukman | jsd@umass.bitnet  |       planet of noise bimbo!"           |