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From: cg-atla! (Dave Smith)
Date: 16 Nov 89 22:22:41 GMT
Subject: Re: Strange Angels
Organization: Agfa Compugraphic Division
References: <8911150007.AA06220@GAFFA.MIT.EDU> <>
Reply-To: cg-atla! (Dave Smith)
In article <> wombat@claris.UUCP (Scott Lindsey) writes: > >I think that Laurie is trying to continue to produce that >which is art and that which is musically familiar and pleasant. I disagree with the latter half of this. I've never though that Laurie but a great deal of work into producing "familiar and pleasant" music. To the contrary, I think she's introduced a great deal of unfamiliar and unpleasant qualities in her music. This is what makes her so interesting to listen to. "Sweaters" is an example of this, with the whining violins and harsh vocal harmonics. Listen to _United States I-IV_, there's plenty on that which I would consider unordinary, and "difficult listening". Her ability to experiment with sounds and arrangements are IMHO what makes her so interesting. Even her choices for musicians (Adrian Belew, David Van Tiegem(sp?)) follow in this quality. I tend to find Laurie a little tiresome when she begins to sway towardds the "familiar and pleasant" side of music (i.e. "Language Is A Virus", "Smoke Rings", and the new single "Baby Doll"). Then again, perhaps your definition of "familiar and pleasant" differs somewhat from mine. I'd be interested in how you view her music. -- ========================================================================== David D. Smith ...!{ulowell,ginosko,decvax,ism780c,ima}!cg-atla!dsmith " I'm on everyone's mailing list, for things I can't afford to buy" BOB MOULD