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Babooshka blah blah

From: ide!lofdahl@Sun.COM (Corey Lofdahl)
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 89 19:19:45 PDT
Subject: Babooshka blah blah

in reply to Doug Alan <>

Sorry Doug, but I have this russian friend, and in a
failed attempt at using an actual real live russian phrase
to impress her with my bilingualness, I called her 
"Babooshka".  Let me just say that the quizical look
on her face convinced me more than any argument that
indeed the correct interpretation is "Grandmother"
or "scarf worn on the head".  Of course this is the
word of one born in the great workers paradise versus
those who have proven themselves worthy of hawking
candies with just a hint of retcyn.  Take your pick.


Q: What is retcyn anyway?
A: 1) activated partially hydroginated cottonseed oil
   2) copper glucanate

Hmmmmm Good!