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Date: Tue, 18 Jul 89 18:43:19 BST
Subject: Ravens
Posted-Date: Tue, 18 Jul 89 18:43:19 BST

>From: microsoft!glenc@uunet.UU.NET Glen Clark
>Subject: Ravens and the Tower of London.
> I too wondered about the reference in Lionheart to ravens.  I had
> a chance to visit the Tower of London several years ago and
> behold there are ravens everywhere.  They actually keep a small
> collection of the somewhat ill tempered birds there.	The
> myth is that the Tower will crumble if ravens no longer grace
> the gounds.  As the Tower goes so goes England.

In fact the ravens at the Tower have had their wings clipped so they
cannot fly away! Perhaps that explains their bad temper! I think you
are right about the myth - though I always get confused with this and
the apes on Gibralter.
