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birdsongs of the mesozoic weirdness

From: (Jonathan S. Drukman)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 89 16:30:43 EDT
Subject: birdsongs of the mesozoic weirdness

From: (Michael J. Lamoureux) <>
> Incedently, the song is only 1:29 long, which makes this "intro" longer than
> the actual song (it's 1:32 of introduction of the upcoming song spoken forward
> backward, and a number of other bizarre manners, splashed together in a sort o
> a musical collage...quite interesting).  My question is:  is this done on the
> Sonic Geology disk as well?  Do they do this sort of thing often?  Has anyone
> else done anything bizarre like this?

Nope, on Sonic Geology it is exactly the same as on the album.  No
intro, no weirdness.  As for intros being longer than songs, I don't know
of any examples off the top of my head that are like that.  The one song
I know of that does have a relatively long intro is "Her Majesty" by
The Beatles...  You remember them, they introduced "songwriting" to music,
and we all curse them to this day.  Er, where was I?  Oh yeah, anyway,
"Her Majesty" has a 15 second lead in (the famous 15 second break on
the album which registers as Index #0 on my player) and then starts at 0:00
normally, so if you scan straight to that track you don't have to sit
there and listen to 15 seconds of digital zeroes.

 !   !\             BITNET: jsd@umass
\!on !/rukman      ARPANET:
>> Kick out the jams, motherfuckers! <<