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Welcome back....

From: "Liz Owens, Microcomputer Product Center, 491-3889" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 89 09:09 CST
Subject: Welcome back....

Well, it
is nice to see everyone back on line again.  
There is absolutely nothing going on in Chicago.  It's still snowing, it'll 
never end....  And Herself's album may not be out until FALL!!???
It's enough to make a girl lock herself in the bathroom and listen to Depeche
Mode until she jumps out a window.

I heard a bit on _Lemons_and_Oranges_ and I liked it, but I've never been
a devoted XTC fan.

Did, however, up Volume 2 of that Voix Bulgares thing.  I do like it, but
all those eeeeyahs that were mentioned in the transcript of the British TV
program do take some getting used to.

Somebody do something and make her hurry up, will you?  I can't stand waiting!

Love to all,