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From the local UMass mailer files...

Date: Thu, 12 May 88 21:47:51 EDT
Subject: From the local UMass mailer files...

(This is kinda long.)

Date: Thu, 28 Apr 88  16:06:33 EDT
From: NIM II (=B31AVE)
Subject:  This is dedicated to the one we hate.

   Kate Bush sounds like hungry earthworms with amplification.

                                               - Nim II
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 88  17:21:59 EDT
From: Professor Nutto (=8672956)
Subject: I dediKate this pile of warthog vomit to Kate Bush fanatics.

Kate Bush is an obnoxious, whiny bitch with a superhuman octave range
who thinks she can sing.
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 88  17:48:33 EDT
From: Eyebeam (=4800510)
Subject: Good News!: Kate can't be cloned!

Kate is like a singing (?) shrew with its gonads being twisted.
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 88  13:50:39 EDT
From: NIM II (=B31AVE)
Subject: Kate's total ineptitude for reality and talent

      I wouldn't be surprised at all if Kate Bush was related
  to George Bush. They are both immensly boring, have a bunch
   of diehard fans and sound like mice.

           K   K BBBB /

                  Nah, I won't waste disk space giving her
          a graphic.
Date: Sun,  8 May 88  23:07:03 EDT
From: Women's Forum manager (=BPC1C14)
Subject: All I know....

is that Peter Gabriel's last album was damn near ruined for me by
Kate Bush's so-called singing on the third song...I can't even use
the damn tape for writing because I fast forward through the song,
which screws my concentration...personally, *I* have a better voice
than Kate Bush, and no one's offered *me* a recording contract yet....

                               Ellid, jealous
Date: Sun,  8 May 88  23:20:49 EDT
From: anonymous@Mars.UCC.UMass.EDU

   i don't think the question is whether kate has a melodius, passionate,
or powerful voice (although she screeches like hell) , but whether she is
innovative in the use of her vocal talents (or lack thereof). the answer
here must be 'yes'; she makes noise in a most dinstinctive style, which in
and of itself deserves recognition in _this_ age of music (or lack thereof
as well...).
Date: Mon,  9 May 88  13:32:57 EDT
From: NIM II (=B31AVE)
Subject: Jane sidberry

My analysis of Ms. Sidberry:

                                 ART SCHOOL PUNK that's destroying
                                                  rock music today.

   Let's flap our arms and sing like then snow,
   The we take a glorious swim in the sea of life..
   Then we dry ourselves rolling in the sands of time.
   In which we eat fig newtons and belch voracoiusly.

                                     Typical Conferite music, yecch

       -NIM II-

                         Alarm fan & AC-DC Fan
Date: Mon,  9 May 88  15:32:00 EDT
From: trillian (=BST0M52)
Subject: Talk about Destroying rock music>I!!

Hmmm.  We insult Jane Siberry and PRAISE The Alarm??
Nim, while you might be amusing and interesting on Politics,
you have absolutely NO taste in MUSIC.  The Alarm is one of THE
MOST BORING, repetitious, stadium-oriented bands to pose under
the guise of "Concerned" in a LONG while.  They are riding on
the popularity of U2 (without whom they would have FADED into
the OBSCURITY they so RICHLY deserve LONG AGO.)--
And they didn't even play "The Stand".  *hmph*
And AC/DC isn't even worth commenting on.

And I *adore* Kate.  So NYAH.
Haughtily and snottily,
Date: Tue, 10 May 88  12:42:40 EDT
From: Shockeye (=2487493)
Subject: the alarm and ac/dc?

You've got to be kidding me!  Two no talent, absolute garbage acts!
ANd you say KATE can't sing?  Why don't you all just admit that you
are wimpy little faggots who can't stand to hear REAL vocal
performances.  Admit you can't understand the words.  ADmit you have
absolutely NO FUCKING IDEA as to what she's talking about and don't
like it even if you did.  Admit you have small weenie minds that
can't accept that someone out there is smarter than you.  That's
what it boils down to.  I have no idea, really, what Kate's song
"Suspended in Gaffa" is about and it drives me nuts!  But I love
it anyway!  I'd much rather listen to something that makes me think
a bit instead of some whiny brained imitative and highly derivative
brat (ie: mike peters of the Alarm) singing stuff that is so OBVIOUS
it makes me want to gag.  As for the Alarm7's so called concert,
it was pretty hilarious when Peters went out into the audience and
lambasted the radio in 1988 for having "no guts, no fire" when he
is the NUMBER ONE CRIMINAL in that respect!!!  What delicious irony!

Date: Tue, 10 May 88  14:47:55 EDT
From: Sentinel (=4748843)

Why is it that so many people like to label "music" with incoherent lyrics
and lame, if any, harmonic qualities as "avant-garde" or "thought-provoking"
or any other term to denote something deep and meaningful?  If I write a
program to spew random sentences but make sure there's something anti-
establishment every once in a while, would that be deep and meaningful?
No, it would just be babble.

Date: Tue, 10 May 88  15:43:46 EDT
From: Shockeye (=2487493)
Subject: re: sentinel's post

I didn't realize that The Alarm were being labelled as "avant-garde"
and "thought-provoking"!  Where did you read that?

Date: Tue, 10 May 88  16:38:58 EDT
From: skinny puppy (=4564245)
Subject: all she does in moan and whine

any wench can record layers of screeches, whining, and moaning...
all these people that like weird women musicians just because they
lust after them...NOT because they can really sing.
face it, if kate were a *dog*, do you think anyone would like her?
(not that she isn't....and that's a bad arguement, for SHIN-AID
is one woofer...)

Date: Tue, 10 May 88  16:46:55 EDT
From: Wonko (=A0S5107)
Subject: And I thought I was alone..

Kate Bush is aligator piss...
Date: Tue, 10 May 88  16:59:22 EDT
From: Professor Nutto (=8672956)
Subject: Kate's bush

O MY GOD! I thought the day Wonko and I actually agreed on something the
planet would explode. Anyway, the Alarm is OK, AC/DC is an awesome metal
band, and Kate Bush is a whining, obnoxious, boring bitch who screeches
and whines at an octave level guaranteed to shatter the eardrums of anyone
with good musical taste. I have a theory about PIG(Pseudo-intellectual
Garbage) like the comic strip Yeasthead (Yeasthead Infection) and Kate
Bush's so-called songs. It is utter gibberish that only appeals to
"intellectual" snobs like Shockeye because they can't understand (there
is no hidden, deep, philosophical meaning there, folks, only shit) it,
don't want to admit they can't understand something, and say stuff like
"Oh, Kate is so intense and stimulating!" <vvvvoooooommmmiiiittttt>

Date: Tue, 10 May 88  18:28:42 EDT
From: Shockeye (=2487493)
Subject: gibberish that only appeals to intellectual snobs like me

> don't want to admit they can't understand something

hey, wiseass, read the previous letter.  i admitted quite freely
that i have no idea what "suspended in gaffa" means.  if your
brain is so moth-eaten that you need to have every line spelled
out explicitly (and in many cases, repeated ad nauseum) then
that's your own account but don't go knocking high quality stuff
because you don't have an IQ high enough to deal with it.

Date: Tue, 10 May 88  20:19:01 EDT
From: Professor Nutto (=8672956)
Subject: PIG: Psuedo-intellectual Garbage

>i admitted quite freely that i have no idea what "suspended in gaffa" means

Oh wow, Shockeye! I am so impressed by your humbleness. It must have taxed
your ego so much to give an example OF ONE SONG that you coulnd't
understand. You futile attempt to rebut my argument has obviously failed.
I don't have a high enough IQ? Bahaha! For someone who thinks himself so
intelligent you don't realise that IQ tests are practically worthless.
How else would you explain someone with an IQ of 150 failing in school?
Check, and mate.
                                        Obviously victorious, Andy

P.S. If you love Kate so much, why are you writing to a file of which
     the sucject is KATE BUSH CAN'T SING.? Mate again.
Date: Wed, 11 May 88  00:38:57 EDT
From: updike (=7778109)
Subject: at odds

well...generally it seems that this newletter has broken off into two
groups.  There are the people who like Kate Bush and art-fag music, and
those who go for the AC/DC and the "true rock-n-roll".

I will be the first person on the fense:
1. I like Kate Bush.
2. I hate Kate Bush fans, and the pretentious tone that follows them.
3. I like AC/DC.
4. I hate AC/DC fans, and the concert-t-shirt, camaro, sunglasses at
nights mentality that follows them.
5. I hate people.

man at odds,


P.S. I also like Metallica, so, there, I said it.  I feel sooo much
freeer.  Oh well, I guess I doomed on both sides......DR
Date: Wed, 11 May 88  09:34:15 EDT
From: skinny puppy (=4564245)

okay, maybe Kate Bush CAN sing.....but it's really obnoxious!
and i never understood why a song is great because one couldn't understand
yes, those who claim to be smart because they can analyze the song in their
english-major heads...  if it weren't for kate bush and their other art-fag
interests, where would they be able to show off their extensive vocabulary.
i mean, it must be so fun to pretend to be intellectual and discuss the
meaning of kate's it any wonder that most kate-followers
are english majors?

'well, i believe that in this song kate is trying to express the feeling
of being rammed up the butt, which her screeching emphasises...  and the
blah-blah symbolizes a (adjective) (adjective) (adjective) (noun) (verb)
(adverb) blah blah....'

but then, the alarm sucks too... face it... they're a U2 clone that have
no ABILITY...  sick of clones... REM-wanna-be's...  CURE-wanna be's...

the only group worth listening to is MOTORHEAD!
does lemmy waste his time writing elaborate lyrics to confuse everyone
so that they could have fun coming up with various interpretations, even

do they pretend to be capable of playing they're instruments?!


Date: Wed, 11 May 88  10:20:32 EDT
From: Shockeye (=2487493)
Subject: reason is its own master

Why you bring IQ into Andy is beyond me.  I never assaulted your
IQ, which I agree is a worthless stat.  I simply referred to the
blatantly obvious fact that you can't appreciate Kate's artistry.
Therefore, your brain is suspect immediately.  Damian put it
very well.  Hate the fans, sure.  Hate the music?  No way!
Your checkmate was a bit hasty too.  And why I'm writing to a file
called Kate Bush Can't Sing is very simple:  the more I champion the
pro-Kate cause, the more chance that someone casually strolling
through the notesfile will realize that people with an ear for
quality sounds will check out the Great Witch Goddess.  Also,
I take great pleasure in filling up NIMs account with this stuff.
And, as for your highly mediocre acronym, try this one on for size:
SLIME - Silly Losers Ignoring Music of Excellence.

cranking "The Dreaming" up to 10,
ps:  Fid, it ain't MOTORHEAD, it's COLOURBOX!
Date: Wed, 11 May 88  13:38:37 EDT
From: NIM II (=B31AVE)
Subject: Elitism alert! Woop Woop!

> don't go knocking high quality stuff, because you don't have
  an IQ high enough to deal with it.

      It is just this type of elitism that gave birth to the
   term "art fag".
      I don't know about you, but I want to listen to so-called
   "high quality stuff" ..I give Vivaldi or Beethoven a listen.

   DEFINITELY NOT the incessant ranting and raving of a whiny
   pseudo-intellectual who sounds like metal claws scratching
   on a blackboard who tries to give it meaning and purpose
   on her relation to the universe.

   Laurie Anderson is even worse.

      If I want to listen to PISS (pseudo-intellectual sickening shit)
      I probably rather be forced to endure the babbling of
      elitist egocentric ramblings of conferites.

    On Art School criticism of The Alarm, and AC/DC.

       If kate Bush is interesting, I rather be listening for
       some good ol' boring rock and roll music.

     Nim, "The HeatSeeker", II
                                      Burn the Bush!
Date: Wed, 11 May 88  14:10:17 EDT
From: Eyebeam (=4800510)
Subject: As for opinion's on music.....

sorry, can't hear a word you're Big Black tape is cranked
up too loud.

(So much for all of you pseudo-rockers and fucking whimp music lovers!!!)

Signed, Jello Biafra
Date: Wed, 11 May 88  14:27:14 EDT
From: Shockeye (=2487493)
Subject: but the crucial question remains

The crucial question:  can Kate sing?  You betcher ass!
If you want to hear music with vocalists that clearly CAN'T sing,
check out Motorhead, Skinny Puppy, The Tear Garden, Severed Heads,
Big Black.  These bands don't even PRETEND to be able to sing.
There are many bands with vocalists who pretend to be able to sing
but don't quite make it: lump the Alarm in this one.

And it's Jane SIBERRY for chrissake.  If you're going to insult
a great artist, at least get her fucking name right!

Laurie Anderson is more interesting than you are.  I bet she doesn't
like you either.

Date: Wed, 11 May 88  16:28:29 EDT
From: updike (=7778109)
Subject: RE: All I know....

Ellid types:
> is that Peter Gabriel's last album was damn near ruined for me by
> Kate Bush's so-called singing on the third song....
well Peter wanted Dolly Parton to sing it, or so I've heard (comments
from Shockeye....calling me a fool for believing him or whatever).
Imagine that if you would...actually, I agree.  I hate that song...
Dolly would have been great.

Waiting for the new Peter Gabriel/Donny Osmond album,

Date: Wed, 11 May 88  19:55:43 EDT
From: Rorschach (=5833121)
Subject: random thoughts..

I think the issue here is not lack of inteligence of non-Kate fans,
but closed-mindedness. Kate is different. Kate's music is very
intricate and complex. It is very easy to write her off as shit
if you don't REALLY listen, and become familiar with her depth.
There is just to much to accept at one time. Many repeated
listenings are necessary. I was a devout Kate-hater for a long
time. The first time I heard "The Man With the Child in His Eyes",
I thought it sounded like The Carpenters.
   The point is, Kate is very much an aquired taste. In my opinion,
it is one which is very much worth aquiring.

ps I am also a huge fan of Big Black. Motorhead isn't bad, either.
Date: Thu, 12 May 88  14:31:58 EDT
From: Professor Nutto (=8672956)
Subject: the burning Bush, revisited

I love Metallica, and to anyone who says it is meaningless drivel,
I am about to present an argument which will totally destroy yours:

Suicide, drug overdose, nuclear war, beurocracy, etc.

Shockeye, were you born stupid or did you have to practice?
>Why you bring IQ into Andy is beyond me. I never assaulted your
If you remember IT WAS YOU who started the whole thing with
high IQ's, and then destroyed your own argument by saying it
is a worthless test. Baha! And please don't insult Wicca and the
Goddess by comparing them to Kate Bush. BLECH! As for SLIME
(Silly Losers Ignoring Music of Excellence) what a great term
to describe yourself with!

Pink Floyd, Jean-Michele Jarre, and Shriekback forever!
Date: Thu, 12 May 88  14:58:43 EDT
From: Shockeye (=2487493)
Subject: "Push them from the pull of the bush"  -- KT, The Dreaming

> Pink Floyd, Jean-Michele Jarre, and Shriekback forever!

As I seem to recall, it was I who introduced you to Jarre's music.
And don't insult him by giving him a girl's name.  It's spelled
"Jean-Michel", where "Michel" is the french equivalent of "Michael".
The way you have it works out to "Michelle".

Whether or not Metallica tackles "big" subjects in their lyrics is
not as important to me as the style in which these subjects are
presented.  Any yokel can sing about that stuff, but to do it well...
Ah, that's a different subject entirely.  The Great Witch Goddess
(and I'll continue to call her that regardless, for that she is,
and so she shall remain) has mastered the trick - check out the lyrics
to "Breathing" - the same old anti-nuke stuff but rendered from the
point of view of a child not yet born.  Dead brill.

And Ellid, it was indeed Dolly Parton that Peter Gabriel wanted for
"Don't Give Up".  I don't think Kate particularly suits that tune,
myself.  There is a much better duet between the two of them in "Another
Day" - widely available on bootlegs everywhere.

Date: Thu, 12 May 88  15:42:16 EDT
From: NIM II (=B31AVE)
Subject: Drivel for connosieurs of P.I.G. musak.

   I hear all the time from the "art-fags" that if one
   listens to music that a lot of people throughly enjoy
   like Top 40 or what not, then you have no culture,
    taste, raison d'etre. Well maybe it hasn't even occurred
    to them that maybe, just maybe, it's good.
        "Art-fags" tend to be a ludricrous as MENUDO, who
    kick out band members after the age of 16.

    A similar bunch of elitists are the "progressive-rockers"
    who are into "Genesis","Rush","ELP" etc. Who always likes
    to argue who is the best drummer, best guitarist etc.
    I don't think that these dinosaurs are too much better then
    the typical elite artfag music that spew out onto the airwaves.

     It is not criticism of these bands, which I like, not because
     the have the best guitarist or keyboardist, that I'm getting at.
     It's the attitude that well I listen to "high quality" progressive
     stuff and you don't, therefore you have no taste..which
      drives me up the wall.

  -Nim II-
Date: Thu, 12 May 88  16:48:33 EDT
From: updike (=7778109)
Subject: "high quality"

Nim writes...
>It's the attitude that well I listen to "high quality" progressive
>stuff and you don't, therefore you have no taste..which
> drives me up the wall.
Well....but you reject a bunch of people who like a particular
type of aren't you doing the same?

just mindin' the logic,
Date: Thu, 12 May 88  19:47:36 EDT
From: Professor Nutto (=8672956)

Yes, Jon, it was you who introduced me to music like Jarre, and I will
always be grateful to you for that. Sorry about the misspelling. I have
listened to The Dreaming a few times, and I just don't like it. Period.

Updike, I think what Nim is doing is giving "art fags", who are mostly
a snotty bunch, a taste of their own medicine to see if they can take
it as well as they can dish it out, attitudes I mean.
Date: Thu, 12 May 88  20:51:51 EDT
From: Cutter (=BST0L30)
Subject: The Kate Bush Hater's Compilation Tape

Listen to the following Kate songs a few times.  Then get back to us.

   "Saxaphone Song"
   "Them Heavy People"
   "Oh To Be In Love"
   "The Man With the Child in His Eyes"

   "Oh England My Lionheart"
   "Hammer Horror"

   "All We Ever Wanted"
   "Blow Away"
   "The Infant Kiss"
   "Army Dreamers"

   "All The Love"

   "Running Up That Hill"
   "Mother Stands for Comfort"
   "Watching You Without Me"
   "Hello Earth"
   "The Morning Fog"



(For you astute LH's out there, "Shockeye" is none other than our own
 Jon Drukman... "Cutter" is myself.)
