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From: Michael P. Metlay <psuvax1!>
Date: 23 Feb 88 20:50:43 GMT
Subject: Re: synths...
Organization: Univ. of Pittsburgh, Comp & Info Sys
References: <8802230315.AA00803@WONKO.MIT.EDU>
Summary: ....ahem....
....damian....a lot of your advice is quite sound....however i should point out to those on love_hounds who do not, unlike you or me, eat and sleep electronics....that the fairlight CMI is not a viable option for music production unless one spends at least $30,000, like Kate did....and even then there's stuff it can't do....samplers for under $3000 are inherently quite limited in their capabilities unless mated to computers with the right software ....the FZ1 is included on this list....just because it has room for onboard software and a cute little graphic display doesn't mean there's any software actually out there yet....besides, samplers are remarkably non-cost effective as they use a great deal less memory than synths and invariably deliver less than max bang per buck....fortunately the person who originally posted the request for information has already made an excellent and value-stable purchase with which she's quite pleased....she and i have been corresponding for some time now....i chose to reply to her directly, since i believe that synth is the proper place for these topics, not the way, Kate is, for all her songwriting and singing talent, still little more than an amateur when it comes to using the fairlight.... [ I don't think anyone has ever claimed that Kate herself is a technical wiz with the Fairlight. On the other hand, the members of Tangerine Dream, for instance, have answered when asked who they think is doing the most interesting things with synthesizers today, "Kate Bush". -- |>oug ] if you want to hear what it can do in the hands of a pro, check out "Zoolook" by Jean-Michel it loud, and with headphones, if possible....and while you're at it, check out anything by Tangerine Dream from before doesn't have fairlight on it, but the liner notes are the most recent place in music history to be considered "hip" to use all lower case letters (and using the ellipsis this often gives the impression that you're dictating your letter under the influence of sodium pentothal|->)....don't mind me....i'll go away now....i promise.... -- Mike Metlay nuclear physicist, electronic musician, Xpander Users' Group METLAY@PITTVMS.BITNET founder, MegaTraveller coauthor, indie comic collector, Illuminati/Erisian. Fnord! PO Box 81175, Pittsburgh, PA 15217-0675 DISCLAIMER: These MY opinions bro'.