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R.I.P. ROSSI (No, that's not really the subject...)

Date: Thu, 06 Aug 87 10:28 PDT
Subject: R.I.P. ROSSI (No, that's not really the subject...)


Kate Bush has made the finalists' list for MTV's Best Female Video Award!
Her film for "The Big Sky" qualified among the top five (?) videos
eligible for the award for 1987. (In case it seems a little late,
realize that MTV is only getting around to awarding "Sledgehammer"
in this year's awards, even though it was actually made in late 1985, and
is now so goddamn familiar that it seems at least ten years old.)

Of course, Kate won't win -- she's up against Madonna, Whitney Houston,
Tina Turner, etc. (or bimbos to that effect -- IED hasn't actually
checked the list) -- but it's the second year in a row that Kate has
made the final list in the number one U.S. video awards, and it's not
bad publicity.

-- Andrew
   P.S. Appropos of nothing, IED's car was broken into last night,
   and the stereo stolen and battery cables cut. He is therefore
   unable to enjoy the good news above as well as he would have liked.
   So please call MTV for him and congratulate them on their
   momentary transcension of MTV idiocy.