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KaTemas time is here, by golly...

From: (Joe Turner)
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 87 14:46:54 EDT
Subject: KaTemas time is here, by golly...

Hola, dudes.

Response to the announcement has been metza-metza --- to wit, I haven't
even gotten an RSVP from :>oug!  I mean, how long does it take any of you
to send a quick note to
and say "Hi Joe, here's who am I, who I'll be bringing, what we'll be
bringing, and when we'll be arriving."

In case you ARE lazy, here's easy directions to my house.

There are, of course, many routes to Massachusetts.  For your ease, get on
I95 north and take that to I90 (the Massachusetts Turnpike).  If there are any
L-H's who are trekking from New York, best to take 84 to 91 to 90 (the Mass

You are now travelling eastbound on I90 (the Mass Pike).  Get off at exit
17 (Newton Centre).  After the off-ramp, take your first right at the set
of lights (Centre Street).  You will go through two more sets of lights.
The third set of lights will be Ward Street.  Take a left here.  I am #329
on the left.  (Total time: 10 mins from exit ramp to house)

The date of this shindig is JULY 31, 1987.  No late papers will be graded.
The time for arrival should be around 8:00 pm or so.  There is space to
crash if you must.

Would someone in the Boston area please volunteer to help me go buy beer?
I have this slight problem of "positive ID".  Thanks.

	[ I'll help you buy beer.  -- |>oug  P.S.  I'll try to bring
	  lots of friends too, okay? ]

I am currently BROKE.  Donations graciously accepted or else I'll have
Bruno break your face.

The "Bring IED to Boston" fund currently stands at three cents, a button,
and a peice of lint.  Come on, folks!  Let's show this keesh dude how much
we really like him and want to bring him along for th' party!!!

And I *still* haven't heard "Be Kind to My Mistakes".  *sniff*

Comment from a friend upon her first listen of KT (HoL):  "Well, she has
a beautiful voice, but her music seems so out-of-place with it."

I want your sex,