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KompilaTion clarification

From: (Peter E. Lee)
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 87 01:19:20 EDT
Subject: KompilaTion clarification

The 'appreciation' list business in my first letter seems to have confused
some folks.  Hopefully this will clarify things a tad...  As each tape is
completed, it will be sent out along the 'appreciation' list, by which I
mean the list of every person who is contributing to any of the tapes,
plus those people who are not contributing, but would like to hear the
final products.  Hope this clarifies the concept, and answers :>oug's
question about what will happen to the tapes when they are finished...
     List 5 has now started in Rochester, NY with Pat Waara.  As far as
I know, List 1 is now in the hands of Greg Taylor.  As soon as
Mark Ganzer, Rob Rosen, Dan Hall, and Jeff Dalton get in touch with me,
all of the tapes will be on their way towards completion!
                            Your humber KompilaTion coordinator,
                                               -Peter Lee