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Not This Time/ what is a "moderator"?

From: (Jonathan S. Drukman)
Date: Mon, 11 May 87 20:48:36 EDT
Subject: Not This Time/ what is a "moderator"?

IED,  while I concede the validity of all your points concerning lyrical
integration etc, I *still* don't hear the "t" at all... it sounds much
more like "you" to me, but your argument is persuasive, nonetheless.

Onto Nate Hess' comments...
> While both wicinski's and hoffman's style of discourse are pretty well
> understood and accepted by regular readers of, the
> problem lies (as someone pointed out, I forget who) in the fact that
> this mailing list *is* forwarded to USENET (which is where I read it,
> BTW), as a moderated group.

Is the name of the group "" or ""?
I read this on the arpa/bitnet side obviously, and am not aware of its
USENET name.  And if it IS now "" should we expect it to
be moderated?  (ie: does the group HAVE to start with ".mod" to be
moderated?)  Nowadays it seems like it's on autopilot with submissions
automatically redistributed to wherever appropriate.

> Your typical USENET reader is operating under the assumption that
> "moderated" groups have all the "nasty" stuff filtered out of them; most
> of the moderated groups, in fact, are technical in nature, and
> moderators generally weed out submissions they feel are not of
> sufficient quality, are not relevant, and/or are too flamish.  Correct

Is this so?  Could this be construed as censorship?  The only problem
with your criteria is that wicinski and hoffman put their "bad language"
in with generally interesting reviews of shows and/or bands, which have
perfect relevance to this newsgroup.
Whatever happened to the idea of "if you don't like it, don't read it"?

> A suggestion:  would it be possible to have *all*
> postings be rot13'ed?

What does "rot13" mean?

I don't know about all this... A lot of wicinski and hoffman's stuff
can be quite offensive when taken out of context... It is safe to assume
that readers of love-hounds know about them and can take their remarks with
the grain of salt necessary.  When you start getting around to denying
people access to a group, or censoring their submissions, you're treading
on thin ice, in my book.  Well, let time prove what it will...

--Jon Drukman
"I'm feeling extrovert
 Instead of quiet and shy I'm really dying to flirt!"
    -- XTC