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>Really-From: d711%sphinx.UChicago.BITNET@BERKELEY.EDU(Dave Wilson)

>Urge Overkill opened, and were hot. 
Yup, these guys shred. I wish they get better audience response here tho
(somehow just Brad and me hollering doesn't quite do it :-)). They had
the tuxes the last two times they played in Champaign.

Albini in a tux? Can't wait to see that (in May)...

>I did feel definitely out of place there, though.  Stringy long black
>hair and black leather were the attire of the day.  Oh well.

Hey, come down to Champaign sometime for shows. The trendies generally
stay away from the cave/chapel of Channing-Murray, stronghold of hardcore
people and (the pathetically few) noise freaks. :-)

>--Just signed -- Laibach.  Yes, those crazy Czechs (?) have a new album out
>  with one bitchin' Queen cover.  Most danceable thing they've ever done.

Actually they're from Yugoslavia. (I heard you can't get Laibach in 
Yugoslavia. A friend of mine had requests from Yugoslav correspondents
asking for Laibach.) I don't know about that Queen cover, tho. John Hogge
picked it up and he was visibly in pain when we listened to it for the
first time :-). (This is pain as in "Gawd this sucks", not "Michael Gira
is ripping my guts out and I can't do anything about it".)

Various things I picked up recently:

"One Thousand Years" by Skin is really Jarboe/Gira of the Swans in disguise.
Very subdued, beautiful stuff, with enough edge that it's in no danger of
degenerating into mush. I like it but really expected something more (?). 
Rather pricey for 2 songs and a remix.

The new Karen Finley 12" is another rip-off: 4 remixes of the same song.
Very offensive of course. Robert Gorl provides the disco beat.


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