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Mo Tucker w/ 1/2 Jap and Penn Gillette

Yeah, so lately, the inneresting shows have been taking place on Thursdays
round here.  After playing one of Penn and Teller's video's twice, Penn Gillette
who regularly fronts up the punk magician brought his three piece band here,
ostensibly called TWO BOYS AND A BONGO and consisted of a bass, guitar and
bongo player and whole host of beat-style Warholian songs about sneakers
and girls.  Took 'em a while to get warmed up and used to the P.A. but near
the end of the set, they were getting interesting.

1/2 Jap continue to amaze with thier current portfolio of blues-inspired
looney bin songs.  When and if they take this on the road, don't miss it
(even if you, like me, didn't like 1/2 Jap a couple of years ago) as almost
all the materiel is new and unavailable.  This is a band that's finally gonna
realize it's greatness and maybe a few others will, too.

Mo Tucker - big disappointment, maybe not for the VU Appreciation Society
whose nerdy prescense was all around but as anything approaching interesting
or creative, she's a dud.  Remembering that she wasn't really that much
in Velvet Underground puts things in perspective.  This is her first trip
east in 20 years (as a solo act, thatis) and she's carting along her
record done with 1/2 Jap's Jad who basically controls the unrehearsed set.  
About the only time Maureen looks like she's doing something is during a Nico 
cover and "I'm Sticking W/You" or somesuch from the VU album.  This is a
ltd. tour and probably not that many will see it.   Penn Gillette, looking
every bit like the drunken, overbearing obnoxious party lout a la Belushi,
sings "Herion" to end the act.  I hope, for Mo's sake, that she's receiving
royalties from the VU stuff or has a good day job. 

Summary:  1/2 Jap carry the show.  Penn Gillette's group mildly interesting.
Mo Tucker, a big washout.

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